Modifying Notes

A note is defined by its position on the timeline, by its length in beats, and by its height (“pitch”, value 0 corresponds to middle C or Midi value 60).

To modify a note:

  • To set its position, drag the note’s center left/right or press Control+Alt+Left/Right.
  • Include all notes after the current note by dragging the timeline cursor or pressing Control-Alt-Shift-Left/Right.
  • To set its length, drag the note’s left/right side or press Control+Left/Right or Alt+Left/Right. You can also enter the length directly by pressing 0-9 keys.
  • To change its height, drag the note’s center up/down or press Control+Up/Down.
    Actions will apply to all selected notes.

The total number of notes can be changed either by splitting/joining notes, or by removing/adding notes. Only splits and joins preserve the melody.

  • Split: Replaces a single note with two notes. The second one obtains an empty syllable (~) or the last available word (if the note had multiple words).
  • Join: Replaces selected notes with a single note, using the position and height of the first note, and the total note length. Syllables are merged into words. The resulting note may contain multiple words.
  • Remove: Deletes selected notes and moves non-empty syllables to the next note. Syllables are merged into words.
  • Add: Inserts a new note after the current note, if possible. The new note obtains an empty syllable (~).

Icons: Split, Join, Remove, Add note

To modify the number of notes:

  • Split a note by clicking above its center, or press “-“.
  • Join a note with the next note by clicking above its right side, or press “+”.
  • Join a note with the previous note by clicking above its left side.
  • Remove a note by pressing Delete.
  • Add a note by pressing Ctrl-Enter.

Don’t use the “-/+” of the numerical keyboard, they are used for finetuning.

Video: Dragging, splitting, and joining notes

Notes can be dragged to change their position, length, or height. Clicking above a note will resolve a split or joint operation.

If you want to duplicate notes or erase them, together with their lyrics, see the next section.

Icons: Paste notes, Erase

Next page: Copying Melodies