
Group Filters

Songs can be filtered into groups. Common filter categories for title, artist, genre, language, year, and edition are included.

To change a song’s metadata:

  • Drop a song into the corresponding group
  • Drop an image onto the group to save it in the cover folder.

Advanced group filters allow for checking error, statistics, and finding duplicates.

Filter groups can be customized in the preferences.These special keywords exist:

  • generic: Dynamic list of existing entries; entries are formed if they contain at least 3 songs (see preferences Groups(1) Min.Size)
  • others: Songs that are not listed as separate group item.
  • unspecified: Items having an empty field (e.g. no album when sorting by album).

To define group images simply drop them onto the filter group.

Artist, Genre, Language

When grouping by artist, Yass will standardize the article location.This will cause for example “The Dummies” to be listed under “Dummies, The”.

Articles will be moved only if

  • The articles are defined in the preferences, library->sorting
  • The language is defined in metadata->languages
  • The specific song has one of these languages.
  • Article handling is activated in library->sorting

Yass specifies languages in English and uses their ISO 639-1 code, for example English:EN, German:DE, Spanish:ES, French:FR.

The genre metadata follows ID3 v2.0, for example Blues, Darkwave, Musical, Metal, Oldies, Pop, Punk, Reggae. Rock.


Files group filters include, in order of appearance:

  • Duplicate songs
  • With video
  • No video (not a problem if a background is present)
  • No background or video
  • No background (not a problem if a video is present)
  • No cover
  • Non-standard filename: “Artist-Title [VD#0][CO][BG]”
  • Wrong cover width/height ratio (see preferences)
  • Wrong background width/height ratio (see preferences)

Stats group filters include:

  • Normal P/G/F: common number of pages (31-80), golden notes (3-20), and freestyle (0-30).
  • 1-30 Pages: few pages
  • 31-80 Pages: common number of pages
  • 81+ Pages: many pages
  • 3-20 Gold: common number of golden notes
  • 0-30 Freestyle: common number of freestyle notes
  • Slow: lento tempo
  • Moderate: moderato tempo
  • Fast: presto tempo
  • Monoton: Low pitch range
  • Melodic: Large pitch range
  • Smooth: Few pitch jumps
  • Bumpy: Many pitch jumps
  • Long breath: Long page/note duration

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